Using Promo Codes with TrashBolt

Using Promo Codes with TrashBolt

Using Promo Codes with TrashBolt

Promo codes are a great marketing tool to offer a special deal to potential customers.

How do promo codes work in TrashBolt?

When a customer enters a promo code, a line item is injected into the pricing table on the final agreement that describes the special or discount. Some examples of line-item text include:

·         Promo Code Spring25 – A $25 credit will be applied to your next invoice.

·         Save10now – Here is your $10 discount! (Applied to total due)

·         FreeMonth – A credit for one free month of service will be applied to your next bill.

If a promo code specifies that a credit will be given on the next bill, your office staff will have to track these sales and apply the appropriate credit on the customer’s next invoice. Promo Codes will be shown on the daily sales report.

Where does the customer enter the promo code?

The promo code box is placed at the top of screen 3 of the signup process as shown in this sample:

How does the promo code appear on the final customer agreement?

The promo code and description appear as a line item in the pricing table of the final document as shown in this example:

Can I have more than one promo code active at one time?

Yes, multiple codes with different special offers. Only one code can be entered by the customer. 

How do I request a promo code?

Here are the steps for requesting a promo code:

     1. Decide what the code will be.

a.       We build in variations to your code such as capitalization and spacing to allow for user entry errors.

     2. Determine what the special or discount is and how you want it described as a line item.

a.       Will this be an immediate discount applied to the signup total due?

b.       Will this be a credit on the customer’s next invoice?

c.       How much will the credit or discount be?

     3. Determine the active dates for the code.

a.       You can set an expiration date or

b.       Leave it active until you notify us to cancel

c.       Customers who view a quote before the code is turned off, will still be able to use it if they return to the document in progress. 

4. Create a support ticket via the TrashBolt Help Desk Portal

How long will it take to put the code in place?

Please allow 3-5 business days for our team to complete the work needed to implement a new promo code.

What does the TrashBolt team do to implement a new Promo Code?

Using the information you provide we:

·               * Add the promo code field box to screen 3 of the signup system.

·               * Customize the system to inject the proper line-item description into the customer agreement reflecting a future credit or an immediate discount.

·              * Customize the Panda Template to include the Promo Code field.

·             *  Add the data collected in the promo code field to the daily sales report. 

Promo Code Worksheet

Use this worksheet to gather the details for your promo code so that we have all your requirements before we begin customizing your software.

      1.       Promo Code Text (What you want the customer to enter) ___________________ (We will automatically create acceptable variations such as all caps, initial cap, and all lowercase.) Keep your code simple, easy to enter, and easy to remember. 


      2.       What do you want the description for the line item to be on the customer agreement? 


      3.       Will this be an immediate discount or a future credit?


      4.       How much will the credit or discount be?


      5.       What is the start and end date for this code to be active?

Allow 3-5 business days for the work to be completed. 

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